11 Ways To Combat Sleepiness at Work

11 Ways To Combat Sleepiness at Work

Sleep is an excellent medicine for the body, and various studies have shown that getting enough sleep has a lot of significant benefits, including fostering a healthy lifestyle. Sleepiness at work, however, is not a good idea. Why? Because that is one way that productivity can decline. Your job is your lifeblood, so it is imperative to perform well while at work. In this article, we will talk about ways to combat fatigue at work and how to get more restful sleeping habits‌.

According To Research

Another perspective is the workplace carelessness and injuries that come with sleeping on the job. According to the National Safety Council – a nongovernmental public service organization promoting health and safety in the United States. They relate about 13% of all accidents that happen in the workplace to sleepiness at work. Extending this finding, they assert that some 97% of workers have at least one risk factor for workplace fatigue, and four of 10 workers do not get enough sleep.

Handling Sleepiness at work

If you are one of those individuals who often experience sleepiness at work, here are 11 tips that can help you stay awake and productive. To ensure that your mind is alert throughout the day.

  1. Get at least eight hours of sleep each night.
  2. Chew on snacks.
  3. Do a little stretching and make movements while at the workplace.
  4. Drink water.
  5. Get tested for sleeping disorders, such as sleep apnea, and get treated.
  6. Pay attention to your posture.
  7. Get some fresh air.
  8. Try the 20-20-20 rule.
  9. Do a few push-ups.
  10. Spray some powerful smell on yourself.
  11. Splash water on your face.

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  1. Get at least eight hours of sleep each night: As adults, it is natural to dictate ‌to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. But what if you are not getting enough sleep? Or you feel too tired all the time? If you can not get enough sleep one night, make up for it by sleeping more the next night or getting more rest over the weekend.
  2. Chew on snacks: If you nod off during the day, recent studies suggest chewing on something could help keep you awake. Chewing gets your blood flowing and sends more oxygen to the brain, which means you will be more alert! It also helps improve your focus and alertness to stay on task longer and be productive throughout the day.
  3. Do a little stretching and make movements while at the workplace: Taking a walk can provide physical benefits such as an increased heart rate and deep breathing. As well as helping to get your creative juices flowing. If possible, try walking every day so that you can benefit from its effects on your physical and mental health. It also gives you an easy way to ensure that you get enough exercise each day. If 30-minute workouts are daunting (i.e., lack of energy). Try breaking it up into smaller sessions throughout the day, like taking a break from sitting at your desk during lunchtime by going for a 15-minute walk!
  4. Drink enough water: Water is one of the vital and overlooked components of a healthy lifestyle. It is also one of the simplest things to increase your energy levels at work. So, why not take advantage of this solution? First, make sure you drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. It will help you stay hydrated and give you an excuse to get up and stretch your legs. Try bringing a refillable water bottle that you can fill up as needed. Most doctors recommend drinking at least eight (8) glasses per day and more if possible!
  5. Get tested for sleeping disorders, such as sleep apnea, and get treated: If you ‌have a sleep disorder and do not know it, no amount of caffeine or laying off the alcohol will do much good in combating daytime drowsiness. Sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissue at the back of your mouth collapses while you sleep. Causing you to snore (loudly) and stop breathing periodically throughout the night. It can happen hundreds of times during a night’s sleep and, if left untreated, can lead to cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and heart failure. If you think that might be an issue for you or your partner, get tested by a doctor.
  6. Pay attention to your posture: As you are sitting at your desk, take a moment to notice how you feel. How is your posture? I guess that you have slouched and are likely to be slumped in a way that makes you look and feel tired. You might not initially think of correcting your posture ‌to ward off sleepiness at work, but it is vital to support blood circulation throughout your body, including your brain! Sit up straight and make sure that both feet are firmly on the floor (or whatever surface they rest on). Roll both shoulders back to open up the chest and improve posture. You will probably notice that this makes you feel more alert right away. 
  7. Get some fresh air: Getting some fresh air can boost mood and energy. Fresh air, sunshine, and a change of scenery can do wonders for your energy level, even if it is just for a few minutes at a time. How much time should you spend outdoors? That depends on your specific situation. If possible, go for a 10-minute walk during your lunch hour. It is enough time to get the benefits of moderate exercise without interfering with the rest of your day. Even if you do not take an official break from work, use this time to collect your thoughts and mentally prepare yourself for the afternoon ahead.
  8. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. It helps reduce eye strain and gives your mind a break from the monotony of looking at the same thing again, which is not very stimulating in the first place!
  9. Do a few push-ups: If you have a private office or can go to the gym during your lunch break, this is an ideal time to do some physical activity. But if neither of those are options for you, there are still ways to get physical at work with no one noticing. Try doing some push-ups or sit-ups in your cubicle. If you are worried about being caught doing these exercises by a coworker and feeling embarrassed, remember that endorphins will make everything okay. The more endorphins you release, the more invigorated you will feel.
  10. Spray some powerful smell on yourself: Spray something on yourself if you find it challenging to stay awake. Some options are lemon, orange, or a combination of both. Peppermint oil can also work. It is a natural stimulant, so its scent can help wake you up. The fresh smell will wake you up and help your body feel refreshed. Plus, they prove that smell connects to our memory!
  11. Splash water on your face: Splashing cold water is a classic method of waking up fast. The shock of cold water will wake you up faster than any caffeinated beverage, and it is safer to use on the job. Just run some cold water over your hands, then splash it onto your face. Do not be shy about splashing plenty in and around your eyes for maximum effect. But be careful not to get any in your ears; that is an easy way to catch something nasty at the office.

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Key Takeaway

Sleepiness at work is quite common and related to most workplace injuries. Therefore, it is imperative to try out these tricks and get rid of that feeling whenever it strikes you to keep your job and be safe.

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