Benefits of Supplements & Healthy Foods during this Ramadan Fasting

As the end of Ramadan approaches, it is important to remember that prioritizing your health during this season is crucial. With limited food and water intake during Ramadan, your physical and mental well-being can be significantly affected if you do not take care of your body and mind now more than ever.

During the Ramadan fasting hours, when no food or drink is consumed, the body uses its carbohydrate and fat reserves (stored in the liver and muscles) to provide energy after all the calories from the foods eaten during the night have been used up. Because the body cannot keep water, the kidneys preserve water by decreasing the quantity released in urine. However, the body cannot escape losing some water when you go to the bathroom, through your epidermis, when you breathe, and if it is humid when you sweat.

Most people who fast during Ramadan will experience moderate dehydration, which may cause headaches, tiredness, and trouble focusing, depending on the temperature and duration of the fast. However, studies have shown that this is not harmful to one’s health if enough fluids are ingested after breaking the fast to replenish those lost during the day.

Taking supplements can also help to provide the body with essential nutrients. This is especially important during Ramadan because fasting can lead to fatigue, headaches, and dizziness due to dehydration and the lack of food. Taking supplements helps to provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals that can help to prevent these symptoms.

Some of the benefits of taking supplements during Ramadan fasting include:

Maintaining your energy levels throughout the day

Many people take nutritional supplements of vitamins and minerals daily to get their daily needs and prevent any deficiency that might cause them health problems. Consumption of vitamins and supplements during Ramadan helps to compensate for any undersupply of nutrients experienced by the body during the long hours of fasting.

Improving your digestion and absorption of nutrients from meals

Taking multivitamins or minerals can supplement the nutrients that are not adequately gained from food alone, which can help ensure optimal body functioning during Ramadan and beyond. This is particularly advantageous for people who fast for extended periods, as their limited food and water intake may lead to sluggishness. Consuming supplements (multivitamins or minerals) can provide the body with the essential nutrients required to stay healthy and energized.

Reducing cravings for unhealthy foods

During a period of fasting, especially like Ramadan, it is common to experience cravings for unhealthy foods due to the lack of food and water intake. However, taking supplements such as protein powders, fiber supplements, and Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce these cravings. Protein powders can help promote feelings of fullness and reduce hunger, while fiber supplements can also help you feel fuller for longer periods of time. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help regulate appetite and reduce cravings.

How To Take Supplements During Ramadan

Taking supplements at the appropriate times is critical to ensure optimal absorption and prevent sickness and vertigo caused by fasting. In order to maximize the benefits, it is recommended to take supplements (such as vitamins) with meals. To support your health and energy levels during Ramadan, you can consume vitamins before Suhoor in the morning and after Iftar at night. However, it is important to consult your healthcare provider or dietician before taking any supplements to obtain advice on the type best suited for your specific needs.

In conclusion, it is important to note that fasting during Ramadan should not be used as an excuse to neglect nutrition or health. Instead, it is an opportunity to focus on eating nutritious foods and taking supplements to support the body’s needs. These steps will help ensure you can make the most out of your Ramadan fasting experience, feeling energized and healthy throughout the month.

At Medbury, we provide and supply varieties of supplements to meet your health needs. Our supplements are made of natural ingredients and are of the highest quality. Our goal is to help people live healthier lives by providing them with the right products for their individual needs.

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