Workplace Exercise Programs

Workplace Exercise Programs: How to Keep Your Employees Healthy

The workplace can be a breeding ground for unhealthy habits. With extended hours and little time for breaks, it’s no wonder many of us struggle to stay healthy. Studies have shown that sedentary behavior can lead to many health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer.

While employees need to take breaks throughout the day, get up and move around, that is not enough to counteract the effects of sitting all day. That is why more and more companies are implementing workplace exercise programs to keep their employees healthy.

Workplace exercise programs have several proven benefits, including increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and lower healthcare costs. If you’re looking for a way to improve the health of your employees, then a workplace exercise program is a great place to start.

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Why is exercise important at work?

Exercise is vital for our overall health and well-being, but it is also relevant in the workplace and gives the following benefits:

  1. It can help to improve employee productivity. A study by the National Library of Medicine on Exercise found that employees who engaged in a workplace exercise program improved their productivity and reduced the number of sick leaves.
  2. Workplace exercises can help to improve employee morale. Employees allowed to exercise at work are more likely to feel happier and more satisfied with their jobs.
  3. Workplace exercise can help to reduce the risk of workplace injuries. Physically active employees are less likely to suffer from injuries, including musculoskeletal injuries.
  4. Exercise can help to offset the adverse effects of sitting. It helps with ergonomic issues such as back pain, poor posture, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Related: Workplace Ergonomics: The Complete Guide

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Exercise: best practice tips for the workplace

Creating the right environment for employees to get active is one of the best ways to take care of your employees’ health. Here are some proven strategies to help your company create an exercise program that will help you stay healthy and happy in the workplace:

  1. Encourage your employees to exercise.
  2. Offer incentives for healthy behavior.
  3. Create a culture of health at work.
  4. Focus on small steps.
  5. Make it easy for employees to get active.
  6. Don’t force exercise on anyone.
  7. Be open about your plans for physical activity.
  8. Teach about the benefits of exercise.

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Implementing a workplace exercise program

If you plan on implementing a physical exercise program in your workplace, there are some key considerations to remember.

  1. Have the right equipment. You don’t want to create false expectations by getting people excited about a program that doesn’t work or is expensive to set up.
  2. It’s all about motivation. If people do not do it for themselves, they won’t go all out for the sake of their health. That means you should ensure that the health benefits are clear for them to take action.
  3. Encourage employees to stay at it long term. A short-term program won’t be as effective if it only lasts for weeks or months.
  4. Ensure you have a clear path from training to ongoing support and monitoring.

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How to set up exercise programs in the workplace

Exercise programs in the workplace are becoming increasingly popular as more and more companies recognize the benefits of an active workforce. A recent study by Zippia suggests that 56% of employees who participate in company wellness programs say they have fewer sick days because of these programs.

If you are considering introducing a workplace exercise program, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to get the ball rolling:

  1. Decide what type of exercise you would like to offer: Select the exercises your employees can do (e.g., yoga, Pilates, strength training, etc.), how often the classes will occur, and where they will take place. Some companies have on-site gyms or offer fitness classes during lunch breaks. Others encourage employees to take walking breaks or take part in group activities. Whatever the approach, the goal is to get employees moving and improve their overall health.
  2. Create a class that is convenient for your staff: Start with something simple, such as walking meetings or a team-building activity. It will help ease any fears about joining and make them more likely to join.
  3. Make sure it is fun: Making the classes enjoyable will increase participation levels. Try putting on music or offering prizes for those who take part regularly. You could also suggest group activities outside of working hours, so everyone takes part at different times during the week.
  4. Make sure you involve everyone in the planning process: Everyone should have a voice in planning and setting up the sessions to ensure they are convenient for everyone involved.

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In conclusion, you can not afford to invest in workplace exercise. The benefits of a healthy workforce are too many to ignore. However, these programs are not as costly or redundant as some think. You probably have everything you need to start one already—all you have to do is start today.

Related: The Negative Effect Of Workplace Stress On Your Health

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