Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety: 9 Mistakes Companies Make 

Companies strive to prevent their employees from getting injured and focus on providing a safe environment. However, despite their best efforts, accidents happen. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports about 3 million nonfatal workplace injuries every year for the past decade.

If you are a business owner, you don’t want to be one of those companies with high accident rates. You need to know what mistakes to avoid to make the workplace as safe as possible.

Here are 9 common mistakes that can lead to workplace injuries and how you can prevent them:

  1. Neglecting to train workers 
  2. Assuming employees know safety protocols
  3. Not conducting mock emergency drills
  4. Relying on outdated equipment or faulty tools
  5. Overlooking work hazards from third-party subcontractors.
  6. Not preparing for a variety of emergencies.
  7. Not reporting details about injuries or occurrences as soon as they happen
  8. Waiting until someone gets hurt before taking action
  9. You Never review your emergency plan with local emergency responders

Mistake 1: Neglecting to train workers 

Training your employees is very vital. It will enable them to gain the confidence they need to perform their duties effectively. Through proper training, employees will know what to do in their jobs, ways to avoid injury, and how to use tools and equipment safely.
Taking this step can save lives and prevent injuries from becoming more serious.

Mistake 2: Assuming employees know safety protocols

Assuming that employees are aware of safety protocols can have deadly consequences. New hires and long-time employees alike should remain aware of safety protocols and procedures.

Mistake 3: Not conducting mock emergency drills

Safety experts agree that the conduction of regular drilling is one step toward achieving a safe and secured workplace, and they recommend all organizations should conduct them at least once a year. Organizations should conduct drills as if they are real emergency scenarios to test employee response in case of real workplace emergencies.

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Mistake 4: Relying on outdated equipment or faulty tools

Equipment is one hazard for employees if not properly maintained. It is essential to record your company’s safety audits, inspections, and maintenance efforts. It will help you avoid the most common workplace safety mistake that many companies make by not keeping maintenance records.

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Mistake 5: Forgetting work hazards from third-party subcontractors

Besides dealing with potential hazards for your employees, address the third-party employees working in your place of business.

It’s a good idea to make sure you know what work they’re doing at your site and check on it periodically. Ensure the subcontractors put on personal protective gear while on site. A first aid kit, fire exit, and other emergency equipment should also be readily available. Training your contractors should include providing them with all necessary information regarding your company’s safety guidelines, consequences for not following the laid out rules, and ensuring that this information is straightforward so that everyone can stay safe on the job site.

Mistake 6: Not preparing for a variety of emergencies

One mistake many businesses make with workplace safety is making plans for only one kind of emergency. However, we have so many types of emergencies occurring in the workplace. For example, if your building were to flood with water or natural gas or if the building collapsed or workplace violence occurred because of terrorism, or if someone hacked into your system and stole sensitive data from your company servers, how would you handle it? What would be the next steps? Think about how you’d respond in these situations and others.

Mistake 7: Not reporting details about injuries or occurrences as soon as they happen

One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not reporting details about injuries or occurrences as soon as they happen. Without this information, it’s impossible to learn from a mistake and institute measures to prevent it from happening again.

The best way to avoid this is by having a reporting system that allows you to keep track of all injuries and occurrences. In addition, make sure it’s easy for employees to report injuries and cases, so there are no barriers to telling what happened.

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Mistake 8: Waiting until someone gets hurt before taking action

Many companies wait until an accident happens before they take safety measures. It is a common mistake that can cause injuries and cost thousands of dollars to resolve. By the time an accident occurs, it’s already too late! The impact of lost productivity and compensation claims can devastate a company, so it’s best to avoid this mistake by taking preventative measures.

Mistake 9: You Never review your emergency plan with local emergency responders

Before an emergency happens, it’s vital to communicate your company’s unique needs and characteristics with local emergency responders. Be sure they’re familiar with your facility layout and exit or any hazards or risks on site.
Knowing what to expect will allow first responders to react more quickly and effectively in an actual emergency, potentially saving lives.

In conclusion, to ensure workplace safety mistakes don’t happen and your team members feel heard, make sure you have a program in place that promotes a safe work environment. If you need a workplace safety and health advisory and training, contact Medbury today!

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